A Brand-New Nonfiction Mythology Series

Mythwakers is a Powell’s Best Book of 2023!
The Mythwakers Series
Mythwakers is all about mythological creatures, but this time, the story is told from their perspectives.
Wait, who is really writing this series?
Shhhh. Don’t tell your anyone, but the first book in the series is actually written by me – Kate Ristau. I’m a folklorist and an author. I’ve written middle grade and young adult books like Clockbreakers, Wylde Wings, and Shadow Girl. I have always loved mythology and folklore, but I sometimes get annoyed. I don’t feel like we are getting the whole story. That’s why I wrote the first book in this series for you.

You said the first book…?
Good job paying attention! The first book is written by me, but the next books in the series will be from other authors writing from their own backgrounds and experiences. I can’t wait to share that list of creators with you!
A Powell’s Best Book of 2023!
“Kate Ristau’s new Mythwakers series sets out to teach kids all about mythology but in a new and super fun way: through the point of view of its characters. First up is Asterion, the famous minotaur. Asterion is goofy, kind of cheeky, and full of fascinating facts about his mythological life and the true history of Ancient Greece. With Ristau’s light, breezy style and loads of hilarious jokes and asides, Mythwakers: The Minotaur is a great way for kids to find and foster a love of mythology and history. I can’t wait to find out what figure, and what mythological world, is up next.”— Gigi Little on Powells.comOrder your book!
What’s the book really like?
It’s easy to read for 4th graders to 104th graders. The book gives you background and understanding about the Minotaur, and it also shows you lots of cool pictures from museums and throughout Greece. You’re going to love it.
Tell me what’s inside the book
You got it! Since this is a non-fiction book, here’s a look at the table of contents.1. The Minotaur2. The Setting3. The Timeline4. The Greeks5. The Religion6. The Characters7. The Story8. Find Out More9. Museum PhotosEach of the books in the Mythwakers series will follow this outline. It makes it easy for you to find out about the culture – the people behind the myth – and why this story matters to them.
Where does this book take place?
You look like a smart kid, so I’m going to tell you the truth. While the Minotaur stories were told by the Greeks, they were actually part of the Minoan Culture. The Greeks created their hero stories, breaking into the labyrinth and unrolling balls of twine, but the labyrinth and the Minotaur were on Crete – where the Minoans lived. You’ll learn all about both cultures in this book.
Are there any cool characters?
Of course! There’s a Minotaur named Asterion. He’s A-maze-ing and not afraid to remind you of it. There’s also Icarus (who flew to close to the sun) and his father Dedalus, who built the labyrinth. You’ll meet Asterion’s sister, Ariadne, too. She helped that ding-dong, Theseus. At the end of the book, you get to read two versions of the Minotaur story. One written by Theseus, and the other told by Asterion. I wonder which one you will prefer?
Can I get a head start?
Yes! Here’s a link to the first chapter. I hope you love it!
I’m going to read. Tell the parents the money stuff.
This book was generously supported by a grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council.
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